Bespoke 3 Bed with single garage design
Pollard Street, Lower Hutt – Completed June 2019.
The clients house had previously burnt down in a fire. The insurance company paid out as they didn’t believe a new house could be built for the sum insured. We designed a bespoke house that met with the clients needs as well as their budget.

The Cromwell with garage -Standard plan
Russell Road, Lower Hutt – Completed September 2021
In this instance we were subdividing an existing section into two titles and building a small three bedroom house for a developer.

The Cromwell with garage -Standard plan
Totara Street, Lower Hutt – Completed February 2022
Again, subdividing for a developer, we split an existing section into two titles and produced a standard Cromwell design.

The Cromwell with garage -Standard plan
Frederick Street, Lower hutt – Completed September 2021
A standard project with a now familiar investor. The client purchased a house and engaged us to obtain two separate titles before constructing a standard three bed house.
The Warkworth -Standard plan
Wood Street, Lower hutt – Completed November 2022
A standard project for our team, subdivide a section, liaise with the client to maximise what is a large section with a 4 bedroom house. Large ranch sliders open up onto a deck which receives all day sun. The client went with a very contrasting and modern look.
The Cromwell without garage -Standard plan
Norfolk Street, Lower hutt – Completed November 2022
A developer client instructed us to subdivide an existing section and build a Cromwell design on the rear. Due to flood plane issues a garage was not permitted so the client went with the larger design and large entrance deck.
The Cromwell with garage -Standard plan
Wise Street Lower hutt – Completed November 2022
A regular investor client instructed us to split an existing section into two separate titles and construct a Cromwell standard design to the rear for resale.
The Leeds -Standard plan
Totara street, Lower hutt – Completed July 2022
The client wished to maximise his rental ability so instructed Miro to build a two story house that maximised the limited space. The four bedroom, two bathroom build suited the section and the purpose, perfectly.
The Arundel -Standard plan
Hine Road, Lower Hutt – Completed January 2023
One of the team’s favourite designs. TH eclient wished to build their forever home in the front of the section already owned. The existing house was moved to the rear of the section, tow titles applied for and the Arundel design constructed on the front. The client went for the more high end in terms of finishes as can be seen in the photos.